c.weird 👁️ be weird.

c.weird 👁️ be weird.

c. is for chris

“c.” as in “seeing” 👼 as a prerequisite for believing.

c.weird (Chris Weir) is a self-taught interdisciplinary glyphic and sonic arranger and dream designer working between Oakland, California and the astral plane.

Having been guided to lucid dream at six years old, the energetics behind his works have been said to “imply a timelessness” with their ability to inspire a continual rediscovery of symbols, words, and phrases encoded into their skeletal mapping, which seem reveal themselves only when the viewer is ready to recognize them. (continued below)

artist statement continued:

Since receiving highest honors from UC Berkeley for his studies of creative writing, improvisational music, performance studies, and Gertrude Stein and the language poets, his compositional approach across media is one that often is playing with a simultaneous balance and imbalance, often resulting in a hypnotic symmetrical-asymmetry that consciously or subconsciously serves as a guide for the eye, often unbeknownst to the viewer.

Today, his practice is an evolving meditation and reporting back of hidden languages of his experiences in liminal dream states (especially the hypnagogic and hypnopompic states) as they continue to offer testing grounds for ideas to emerge from his ever-expanding archetypal palette. For c.weird, these realms of in-between offer a container for solution to what might be more veiled messages or creative-blocks in the waking realm.

Awards, Exhibitions, etc.

G∞D Meeting & Friends | Miles High Art Haus Gallery | Oakland, CA

Oakland Art Library | Lumen Labs | Berkeley, CA

Salon du Nouvel Âge | Miles High Art Haus Gallery | Oakland, CA

Salon de la Génération du Feu | Miles High Art Haus Gallery | Oakland, CA

Nature vs Machine: “Meditations in an Emergency” | Gallery-O-Rama | San Francisco, CA

Juried Exhibition: Language Arts | Rock Paper Scissors Collective Gallery | Oakland, CA

Solo Exhibition | Miles High Art Haus Gallery | Oakland, CA

Ara Jo Memorial Fund Grantee | Rock Paper Scissors Collective Gallery | Oakland, CA

Edge Prize Awardee: The Nonlinear View | Salmon Nation Trust | West Coast, North America

Exhibition: Burnal Equinox | Burning Man Project | San Francisco, CA

Exhibition: New Bohemia | The San Francisco Mint | San Francisco, CA

Exhibition: Oakland Art Library | Lumen Labs | Berkeley, CA

Exhibition: Terrene Perceptions | DoinGud x Gray Area x Design Science Studio | NFT Exhibition

Exhibition: New Art City | Virtual Immersive 3D Installation Exhibition

Regenerative Leadership Fellow | nRhythm’s Holistic, Living Systems-based Design Lab, 2021-2022

Exhibition: Regenaissance Art Basel | Art Inspiring a Regenerative Future | Miami, FL

Alumnus: Capra Course | The Systems View of Life by Fritjof Capra, Ph.D.

Exhibition: East Bay Artists | Group Show at Fireside Lounge | Alameda, CA

Resident Artist: Design Science Studio | Buckminster Fuller Institute (BFI), 2020-2021 cohort

Living Systems Collaboratory Fellow | UC Irvine’s Emergent Media Design Lab, 2020-2021

Exhibition: Group Show | Cozy Art Lounge | Oakland, CA

Maker’s Faire | Slim’s | San Francisco, CA

Maker’s Faire: Good meeting: apparel + art | Raw Artists Showcase | San Francisco, CA

US Cultural Ambassador: West Africa | American Music Abroad, US Embassies, US Dept. of State

Author: FUCK THAT NOISE. Defamiliarizing associative resonance in Gertrude Stein’s “A RED STAMP.”

B.A. in English + Minor in Creative Writing | University of California, Berkeley | Highest Honors in the Major | Distinction in General Scholarship | Phi Beta Kappa (ΦΒΚ) Honors Society







See c.weird’s CV

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Contact c.weird:

For press inquiries email info at cweird dot com.