Dreaming with c.weird:

Explore classes + one-on-one offerings here

How might identifying our deepest limiting beliefs help us move beyond them?

If there is one overarching lesson to glean from my nearly three decades of lucid dreaming, it’s that our conscious and subconscious limiting beliefs have direct impact on our dreams.

By familiarizing ourselves with our dream states, we can work to identify our personally limiting beliefs in order to shed light on how we might move beyond these self-imposed limitations in both our dreaming and our waking lives.

Most Flexible


Dreaming 1:1

Single one-on-one Zoom session ~1hr

Scholarship + Reduced price available to those in need. Please email via the form below.

Best Value



Lucid Dreaming (1:1)³

$48 OFF three Zoom sessions ~3hrs total of one-on-one sessions

Dream with me…

After 27 years of lucid dreaming, this is my life’s work.

Our exploration through the lens of your dreams might include:

  • Dream interpretation via myth, esoteric wisdom, and archetype

  • Modes of Escape: Clearing of recurring dreams, nightmares, and sleep paralysis

  • Leveling Up: How to integrate learnings from dreams into waking life + unlock blockages in dreaming life

  • Modes of Travel: Walking, running, climbing, swimming

  • Advanced Dreamers’ Travel: Breathing underwater, flying, teleportation, astral projection, remote viewing, vehicles

  • Recurrence as a Key: Examining themes + threads of your dreams to find pathways to overcoming your fears

  • Learn ways + develop habits to reliably remember your dreams

  • Learn to view your dreams as your invite source of creativity—expand your art, your problem solving, and approach to your dream life 🌌

Our exploration can be accompanied by (+ years of practice):

  • Astrological Natal Chart (Tropical), Human Design readings (4 years)

  • Tarot + Cartomancy (8 years)

  • Artistic expression + imagination expansion exercises; visual, sculptural, sonic, vocal, written (14 years teaching + facilitation)

  • Divination modules/assignments with feedback + co-reflection with either cards, mirrors, crystals, or books as primary medium (6 years)

Any can act as a template for goal reaching, manifesting, organization re-imaginings, relationship challenges, etc. They can also show us hidden or unconscious limitations we might be imposing upon ourselves.

Most Flexible


Dreaming 1:1

Single one-on-one Zoom session ~1hr

Best Value


3 sessions for $222

At your pace discounted 3-session package

27 years ago, I had my first lucid dream—

In June 1997, I was experiencing recurring nightmares that provided the urgency for me to learn how to interact consciously with my dream realms.

Ever since, I’ve been working with lucid and liminal dreaming as a key avenue of my creative process across mediums, work, relationships, and studies.

And since it’s 2024…

You too may have noticed ads for lucid dreaming “apps” and ai-driven “courses”…

So in order to facilitate us learning from our dreams before the machines tell you to eat something crazy before bed promising you’ll astral project—which is possible, and also not always advisable—we can explore a custom set of exercises and experiments curated for your personal needs and goals for you to play with in your dream life.

Can we cultivate an awareness of our awareness in our dreams and integrate that expanded awareness (lucidity) into our waking lives?

With either the single session to get a start to expanding your dream awareness OR the discounted 3-session package where we can go deeper at your personal pace, let’s identify unconscious blocks by exploring your dream life together 𓁿


Ask via the form below: